This demonstration is from my Gesture and Anatomy class. I'm getting my students to understand how the body functions - not exactly looks - one area at a time.
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Re-worked another illustration from my days at Otis College of Art and Design. This one had some minor problems with awkward anatomy in the figures.
These demos are from my classes at Lavender Hill Studios. The first is from our basic foundation class demonstrating the first stages of drawing and chiaroscuro in the 'encajar' drawing system. The second and third come from my anatomy and gesture class. These are to demonstrate structural ways to approach the skeletal forms.
The original was for a scholarship submission I did in University. I combined water colour with classic ink and pencil for the first time. Combining abstract imagery with the painterly and representational methods I've developed since is what I've been working on recently. So I reworked this and was able to experiment more with digital painting in the same exercise.
December 2018