Over the last few weeks I’ve continued taking my Foundation 1 students through the basics of drawing and proportions (see the below demonstrations). On week for we moved on to shading and modelling. The first attempt is always a shock for students, so I’m sure I’ll have to go through a demonstration again next week. My Foundation 2 students started a 12 hour drawing. This will be their longest drawing yet, and at the moment they are very unsure about how they could draw something for 12 hours. I have a feeling next week will be mostly about learning how to push through the drudgery of polishing a drawing. I did something slightly different with my Anatomy students this term. When we begin our 8 week project, we start by measuring the points where bone comes to skin. I find that most students struggle with this, so we spent a day going over how to measure. Following this we started our 8 week project and have begun working on skeletal anatomy.
Winter Term is in full swing at London Fine Art Studios. I got a new batch of Foundation and Gesture and Anatomy students. This week I took my Foundation class through the basics of line... proportion... ...and the encajar system. I’ve got a new exercise planned for my Gesture and Anatomy students next week. Let’s see how they handle it. |
December 2018